
Distribución, ingeniería y montaje
de estructuras ligeras y fachada seca

instala panelrey
Textures and Plasters

Georgia-Pacific textures are ideal for both residential and commercial interior ceilings. These textures produce an exceptionally white finish along with varying degrees of roughness.

características descargas  
Textures and Plasters
Product Description Package Size Coverage Standards
DensArmor Cote™ Veneer Plaster
A one-coat plaster application designed for commercial or residential use on walls or ceilings to resist abrasion or damage while maintaining moisture and mold resistance (per ASTM D 3273).
50-lb. bags 150 sq. ft. per bag C 587
PearlCote™ Veneer Plaster
A one-coat hand-troweled plaster application designed to be used in conjunction with DensArmor Plus® paperless interior drywall or other drywall that can accommodate veneer plasters. When used with DensArmor Plus panels, the system, when properly installed, provides a wall or ceiling that is moisture- and mold-resistant (per ASTM D 3273), more resistant to nail pops than drywall and more resistant to cracks than conventional lath-and-plaster construction.
50-lb. (22.7-kg) bags 120-140 sq. ft. per bag C 587
ToughRock® Ceiling Textures/Vermiculite
For spray application only. As decorative finish on gypsum wallboard or concrete ceilings. Not recommended for high-moisture areas such as bathrooms.
40-lb. bags Varies from 300 to 400 sq. ft. per bag  
ToughRock® Regency Ceiling Textures/Polystyrene
For spray application only. A high-quality aggregate finish with superior ceiling coverage. For use with gypsum board or concrete ceilings. Not recommended for high-moisture areas such as bathrooms.
35-lb. bags (16-kg)
40-lb. bags
50-lb. bags
250 sq. ft. per bag
285 sq. ft. per bag
350 sq. ft. per bag
ToughRock® Wall and Ceiling Texture
A decorative spray application for both walls and ceilings. Commonly used for splatter application; knock-down and orange peel type textures.
50-lb. bags Up to 2,000 sq. ft. per bag
approximately 400 sq. ft. per bag for other applications
redAluma©    TEL: 902 11 42 11   FAX: 96 330 81 04    Avda. Instituto Obrero de Valencia, 11-3º-19    46013 VALENCIA