
Distribución, ingeniería y montaje
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FrameRite Connectors Catalog

FrameRite Connectors Product Catalog


Steel Joist Hanger (S/HJCT) Simpson Strong Tie

Steel Joist Hanger

New improved higher load capacity joist hangers. The increased thickness of the S/HJCT increases the allowable load capacity to use with joists. Joist can be attached from either side or doubled up. This hanger can be used with either steel or wood headers.

Material: 12 ga (97 mil) 50 ksi

Finish: Galvanized - G90


  • Attach hanger with specified fasteners.
  • Use round holes for minimum load, use round and triangle holes for maximum load.
  • May be used for weld-on applications. The minimum required weld to the top flange is 1/8" x 2 1/2" fillet weld to each side of top flange. Consult the code for special considerations when welding galvanized steel.

Utility Clips (UA)

Utility Clips are used in a variety of framing applications including floors, walls and roofs. UA clips are pre-cut with predrilled holes for easy installation.
  • Leg Lengths available from 3 1/4" through 15 3/4".
  • Leg widths available in 1 1/2", 2", 3" and 4".
  • Available in 16, 14 and 12 gauge.
  • Pre-punched for faster and more accurate fastener attachment.

Material: See Table on catalog pages 2-4 for sizes - 50ksi

Finish: Galvanized - G90


  • Utility Clips are attached to the cold formed steel (CFS) framing members using #10-16 self-drilling screws; using pre-punched holes.
  • Clip can also be welded to the CFS framing.

Rigid Clip Connector (RCC)


Rigid Clip Connectors are an easy to use connector, that will save time and money from having to cut longer length angles while reinforcing shorter stud walls vertically or horizontally.

Material: 12 ga (97 mil) 50 ksi

Finish: Galvanized - G90


  • Attach long leg of Rigid Clip Connector to web of stud with #10 - 16 screws through all pre-punched holes.
  • Attach short leg of Rigid Clip Connector to foundation with a 1/2" bolt or other structure per Project Engineer's design.
  • Can be installed vertically or horizontally.

Holddowns(S/HD) Simpson Strong Tie

Material: S/HD8 and S/HD10 - 118 mil (10 ga) with 3/8" plate, S/HD15 - 171 mil (7 ga) with 1/2" plate.

Finish: Simpson gray paint. Hot-dip galvanized is available.


  • Use all specified fasteners.
  • The design engineer may specify any alternate anchorage calculated to resist the tension load for your specific job.
  • Anchor bolt washer is not required.

Tension Ties (S/LTT and S/HTT) Simpson Strong Tie

The S/HTT14 is a single-piece formed tension tie-no rivets, and a 4-ply formed seat which won't unfold during loading. No washers are required.

The S/LTT and S/HTT Tension Ties are ideal for retrofit or new construction projects. They provide high strength, post-pour, concrete-to-steel connections.

Material: See table in catalog.

Finish: Galvanized - G90.


  • Use all specified fasteners.
  • Use the specified number and type of screws to attach the strap portion to the steel stud. Bolt the base to the wall or foundation with a suitable anchor; see table for the required bolt diameter.
Drawings courtesy of Simpson Strong-Tie Co.


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