Distribución, ingeniería y montaje de estructuras ligeras y fachada seca
FrameRite Connectors Product Catalog
- FrameRite Connectors are the industry’s most comprehensive line of connectors for cold formed steel framing.
- Designed to significantly reduce time, labor, materials and costs, our connectors facilitate quicker, more cost-effective installation.
- Along with our partner, Simpson Strong-Tie, the industry leader in connectors, we offer over 300 varieties of connectors, covering every conceivable load requirement encountered on the jobsite.
- Save time, labor and cost. FrameRite Connectors give you more control, more options, and more ways to build better.
redAluma© TEL: 902 11 42 11 FAX: 96 330 81 04 Avda. Instituto Obrero de Valencia, 11-3º-19 46013 VALENCIA |