
Distribución, ingeniería y montaje
de estructuras ligeras y fachada seca

instala panelrey


WSC 950 and WSC 1500

WSC 950 and 1500 Slide Clips provide lateral support for steel studs and allow for vertical movement of the building structure. They allow for 1 3/4" edge of slab tolerance from the existing supporting structure. The WSC Clips accomodate up to 3/4' vertical movement at intermediate floors and 1 1/2" vertical movement at roof levels. They are used in a vertical surface application. Simple and fast to install which saves time and money. One clip fits all stud sizes, no right or left hand clips. Screws must be backed out 1/4 turn once installed.

Material: See Catalog Table

Finish: Galvanized - G90


Outrigger Slide Clip is used for horizontal surface applications and offers the highest capacity of any horizontal surface connection clip. The outrigger comes in lengths of 18", can be field cut to shorter lengths if needed. Simple and fast to install which saves time and money. One clip fits all stud sizes, no right or left hand clips.

Material: 16 ga (54 mil) 50ksi.

Finish: Galvanized - G90



The Deflex Slide Clips allow for up to 1 1/2" vertical floor or roof deflection without the use of laborious slip tracks it can be installed with or without standard leg tracks. Simple and fast to install which saves time and money. Two sizes available for 3 5/8", 4", 6" and 8" studs.

Material: 16 ga (54 mil) 50ksi.

Finish: Galvanized - G90

  • 3T1000 accommodates 3 5/8" and 4" stud widths
  • 6T1000 accommodates 6" and 8" stud widths

Slotted Slip Track (SLT)

Slotted Slip Track (SLT) member is used as vertical deflection track in interior non bearing wall assemblies. The U-shape track has 1 1/2" vertical slots spaced 1" along both legs. The track section is fabricated from hot-dipped galvanized steel complying with ASTM A653, with a minimum G40 coating. The framing members comply with ASTM C645.

Material: 20 ga (30 and 33 mil), 18 ga (43 mil), and 16 ga (54 mil) 33ksi

Track Member Depth (inches): 2 1/2", 3 5/8", 4", 6" and 8"

Finish: Galvanized - G40

  • One-piece design
  • Positive attachment to framing
  • Absorbs vertical deflection
  • Simple Installation and Reduced Labor Time


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