
Distribución, ingeniería y montaje
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FrameRite Connectors Catalog

FrameRite Connectors Product Catalog


Steel Joist Hanger (S/HJCT) Simpson Strong Tie

Steel Joist Hanger

New improved higher load capacity joist hangers. The increased thickness of the S/HJCT increases the allowable load capacity to use with joists. Joist can be attached from either side or doubled up. This hanger can be used with either steel or wood headers.

Material: 12 ga (97 mil) 50 ksi

Finish: Galvanized - G90


  • Attach hanger with specified fasteners.
  • Use round holes for minimum load, use round and triangle holes for maximum load.
  • May be used for weld-on applications. The minimum required weld to the top flange is 1/8" x 2 1/2" fillet weld to each side of top flange. Consult the code for special considerations when welding galvanized steel.
<-- End Sample Code -->

BridgeRite Clips (BR)

BridgeRite Clips are ready for use to attach cold rolled channel to wall studs. This easy to use clip will save time and money from having to cut longer length angles down to size.

Material: 16 ga (54) 50 ksi

Finish: Galvanized - G90


  • Attach BridgeRite clip to web of stud and cold rolled channel #10 - 16 screws through pre-punched holes.

Coiled Straps (CS) Simpson Strong Tie

Typical Floor-to-Floor Tie Installation  

CS are continuous utility straps which can be cut to length on the job site. Packaged in lightweight (abuot 40 pound) cartons.

Finish: Galvanized - G90


  • Use all specified fasteners.
  • Refer to the applicable code for minimum edge and end distances.
  • Catalog table shows the maximum allowable loads and the screws required to obtain them. Fewer screws may be used; reduce the allowable load by the code lateral load for each fastener subtracted from each end.

Katz Blocking (KB)


Katz Blocking has been designed to provide top of wall attachment between parallel framing members. Product is pre-punched to work in 16" and 24" spacing of parallel framing members of wood or steel.

Material: 18 ga (43 mil) 33 ksi; 20 ga (30 mil) 33 ksi; 25 ga (18 mil) 33 ksi

Finish: Galvanized - G40


  • Insert the pre-cut structural blocking to fit securely between the underside of the floor/ceiling joist or roof trusses.
  • Using #8 minimum self-drilling screws secure the blocking to steel framing of #8d nail to wood framing using the pre-punched holes.
  • Use Katz blocking at 4' o.c. or maximum specified.

Tension Bridging (TB) Simpson Strong Tie

Typical Installation

TB bridging is a cost effective way to provide bracing between floor joists when compared with field fabricated blocking and clip angles with multiple fasteners. TB is a tension-type bridging with maximum fastener flexibility. Use two #10 screws of the seven screw holes at each end.

Material: 20 ga (33 mil) 50 ksi

Finish: Galvanized - G90


  • Bridging will fit flange widths frmo 1 5/8" to 3"
Drawings courtesy of Simpson Strong-Tie Co.


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